Friday, January 4, 2013

Brandi's birthday lunch at Logan's Roadhouse.

A great day with Brandi and Stephanie!  A lot of running around in San Antonio, Old Time Photos on the River Walk, lunch at Logan's Road House, Best Buy, Goodwill and of course, several stops at Starbuck's. 

1 comment:

  1. It was the loveliest day of ever and you made it special Mom. Even though there was no crab. I got to eat a steak and the boys had to eat pizza heehee. Uncle Frank said he had four pounds of money in his pocket RIGHT NOW for crabfest and Jake said he'd have been alright with the $15 a pound king crabs. But I noticed that nobody threw wads of cash at me for a day-after-birthday crabfest. These pipeliners, they're all talk.


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